My aloof and irresponsible year of awesomeness.

Hi, I am a bum. I am travelling. Live vicariously through my adventures. Become inspired, quit your job and go someplace cool!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

How to almost get kicked out of an entire town in Italy

Step 1- Arrive in Riomaggiore in Cinque Terre and stay in the only hostel in the town, on the towns only street and meet up with 12 other really cool people at the towns only bar.
Step 2- your hostel is apartment style complete with kitchen and sitting room
Step 3- the group is made of 6 Aussies, 5 Americans and a Kiwi who all like to drink.

add in a chef, about 50 bottles of wine over 3 days, dinner parties, and a progressive between a couple of the apartments and finish off the nights down at the marina sloshing around in the water (I definitely ended one of those nights soaked and bleeding...but not too badly)

multiply this by 3 nights

and you get some really pissed off italian ladies banging down your door and the village church bell ringing incescently (Tony said he stopped counting at 60) at about 530 in the morning.

Heres to one of the best weekends I've had... quite possibly ever, with some awesome new friends! Cuz' you just can't seem to fuck up perfect. (especially when its on the Italian Riviera)

**a short side note on perfectness...As a traveller, you always hope to meet people who you just click with, and get along with. Every so often this happens, usually with one or maybe 2 others who you just enjoy haning with. (most of the time, its just a bunch of nice people that you pal around with for a few days, send some photos and then be on your merry way...not that they're bad people, you just don't mesh) The most amazing thing was that the 5 Terre group seemed to all be made to find each other there that weekend. The rain held off when you needed it to, started up when you got indoors, people ended up staying extra days, and Bryce outdid himself with brazed rabbit and homemade soup. The travel gods were in our favor that weekend. Its tough to meet one or two people who you get along with, but 12!? I don't know, maybe its just me, but every person there after knowing for 4 days, I felt like I had been friends with forever. And it was an amazing feeling. One you can only hope to find. Maybe that is why Cinque Terre was so great. The area itself is absolutly beautiful, but it truly is the people you are with that make the experience


  • At 3:43 PM, Blogger Jennifer said…

    Hey Lauren!! what a great site you have. I loved reading about our stories in the Cinque terre and seeing the pictures! I wish we could all go back. I certainly have not found another group of people quite like it our 5T gang. Best wishes for you over the holiday. Bryce and I are in Brussels... and may try to bring in the new year in Paris. Let us know where you are and what your up too. take care, cheers! jenn


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