My aloof and irresponsible year of awesomeness.

Hi, I am a bum. I am travelling. Live vicariously through my adventures. Become inspired, quit your job and go someplace cool!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

There is a Donegall Rd, Place, Park, Sq. Street, and a couple others in Belfast

All of these streets named Donegall, completely different sections of the city. I was staying at a hostel on Donegall Rd. Not to be confused with the 15 others. Needless to say, it took me a little while to actually find the place. Hungover still. Yet another reason to NOT drink a lot before traveling when by yourself. Has is stopped me, of course not.
Went to Katy Daly's Pub in Belfast (had to ya know). Also, my swear off of beer lasted about 10 hours (which was how long it took me to get to another pub). It was a really cool place, met some locals, made the mistake of calling them Irish (they corrected me at once... BRITISH, right.. and its a funny thing, I met an englishman the next day and at least he considers all Irish people (northern or republican) Irish.. haha) but other than that, I really liked Belfast. Traveled to the Giants Causeway, which is a geologist's wet drea,m, then to Derry (which is about 80% Catholic in Northern Ireland and the site of Bloody Sunday) There was still a lot of tension in the air even though there is "peace". Some asshole kids were shooting off some fire crackers and basically a whole crowd of people jumped 10 feet in the air. It was pretty intense. Derry was a cool city though. (also I hear they have one hell of a Halloween party, must make a note to hit that up sometime)
And without further adoo the rest of my week in Ireland: Sligo: abby, Galway: beer, pubs, fiddles and flutey things, too much fried food, made the mistake of ordering a sandwich with about a gallon of mayo- almost puked, connemara ponies, sheep, cottages, more sheep, stopped to let the sheep cross the road, umm cows,

sheep, sheep, sheep, beer, castles, beer, sheep, did you know ireland has a fjord?, sheep, beer,beer beer (at this point it has replaced food because the Guinness agrees more with my system than the fried pub food does... it is also probably more nutritious),

This was the greatest monument I've ever seen: The plaque reads "On this site in 1897, Nothing Happened"

Cork: Kabobs are popular here, rain , rain rain rain rain.... at least no sheep, kissed the blarney stone (only because it was raining and therefore somewhat clean) I LOVE castles by the way. umm beer, beer, pubfood, darts (the real metal tipped kind!) more rain.
**I should make a note that the grounds around Blarney Castle reminded me of something out of a Disney World attraction, there were crazy looking trees, things you could climb on and explore, signs marking everything important, humungous leafy plant things the size of myself and streams running through. I seriously thought I was in the cartoon Sherwood Forrest and a cartoon fox was going to come jump out of the bushes at me (not that I would mind, Robin hood was one good looking fox). Also, when I was leaving...there was a FOX in the door to the men's toilet (speaking of toilets...advertisments for space to rent signs are marked "to let"... and I always think it says toilet at first glance) anyways... a fox man, stuck in the mens room, just like Robinhood... coincedence? I think not.


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