My aloof and irresponsible year of awesomeness.

Hi, I am a bum. I am travelling. Live vicariously through my adventures. Become inspired, quit your job and go someplace cool!

Friday, June 09, 2006

An Interesting "Segway"

Yesterday, as I was walking along the National Mall in Washington, DC, towards the Capital Building I spotted a most interesting sight. A flock of people riding Segways (if you are unfamiliar with this particular mobility apparatus, I've added a picture of the said flock of segways...Please see photo above). I thought it was funny, I remember thinking that Ron would also get a kick out of this, too bad he happens to be in Utica. (Ronnie, this picture is for you buddy).

This thought led me to an interesting segue of inner monologue (pun intended). While I was walking back through the Mall to the Metro to take back to Greg's in Falls Church, I was fully enjoying being by myself in a large and lovely city wandering around. On my little sojourn to DC, I art gallery hopped. (many of the Smithsonian Galleries including the Freer and Sackler Galleries, which have amazing ancient Islamic and Buddhist art; the Hirshorn Museum and sculpture Garden and the West Building of the National Art Gallery (which houses Van Gogh's Self Portrait, a really nice Monet collection, and some early renaissance Italian art circa 13-1400(mostly atlar pieces, but they did have a few by one of my favorites, Pietro Loronzetti.)

It was really nice being there alone, able to do and see what I wanted, when I wanted to, and not having to worry about being anywhere or back someplace in time because someone else wanted to leave. As I was walking, with no particular destination in mind, I started to get really excited picturing myself doing the exact same thing in such cities as London, Prague, Firenze (already done, but would wander around over and over and over) Roma, Venicia, Milan, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Athens...etc. Just to go see things and experience things and go out of my comfort zone. I find that when I am by myself, with no real obligations to anyone else, I stumble upon things that I never would have. I got to listen to the President's Marine Corps concert band play their first concert in 2 years at the Washington Monument at sunset yesterday, I went to art museums (I appreciated the Art Museums). I had stumbled upon it on my way to the Metro. I had no intention of staying in DC for 9 hours yesterday, but I'm glad that I did.

I love that freedom.


  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger Justin said…

    I must say lauren this little web site here is amazing.
    Which is why I jumped on and got an account, deadjournal just wasn't doing it for me. But your treck of the art museums sounds awesome. I see what your saying about being able to wander on your own, the very rare times i had that experience. Example: The Eastmen House waiting for you to get out of work. Was actually kind of refreshing. Sure I eventually was meeting up with you, but it wasn't an obligation now was it. Course it might have been for you....anyways. Glad your haveing a great time down there.


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