My aloof and irresponsible year of awesomeness.

Hi, I am a bum. I am travelling. Live vicariously through my adventures. Become inspired, quit your job and go someplace cool!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Never take a 4 hour bus ride hung over.

the reason for this is...
1) once the stomach can handle it, you will need to rehydrate, and you will have to pee while riding the bus. buses in ireland don't have bathrooms on them... so after sitting in pain for like 20 minutes the bus stops off at some town bus station for around 10 minutes and I jet off, spend 5 of those minutes looking for the bathroom, pee as fast as possible and run back to the bus only to see it starting to pull out of the parking spot, bang on the door, and the nice man lets me on. That was a close one.
2) your head is usually foggy when hung over (and in my case, I was spacier than usual) I had a small bag with me on the bus, and my larger bag stored under the bus. I got off the bus in Belfast, happy to be off the bus and in desperate need of an ATM, so I go in search of the ATM. I get to the street outside the station and realize that my pack is awful light. Yup, left the bigger one in the storage under the bus. RUN, no SPRINT back to the bus, still there, just closing the baggage doors, the nice bus man sees me and opens them again, I grab my bag. This bus driver must think I'm a complete idiot. two close calls in one day, I seriously should have played the lotto with that luck.


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