My aloof and irresponsible year of awesomeness.

Hi, I am a bum. I am travelling. Live vicariously through my adventures. Become inspired, quit your job and go someplace cool!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Beaujolais Nouveau, Crotch Holes, Machismo and the Vortex

Yes, I know I´m way behind.. to give you an idea on my laggardness... This blog is going to be about the past oh 2 weeks.. which will encompass France and Barcelona. Here´s what I´ve been up to:

Hit up the French Riviera (Nice) just in time for the Beaujolais (god that is hard to type, let alone spell) Nouveau to come out... we are talkin´it came out the weekend I was there... FANTASTIC, so this Canadian guy I was pal´in around with and I decide to get ourselves 7 bottles and have a tasting with the rest of the hostel (read Myself, this guy and one or two people having like a glass) Ah good times. My apologies to those of you who I drunk IM´d or drunk emailed that night.

With said Canadian, another Canadian and two girls from Ohio, I went swimming in the Med. The water was about as warm as the air temp (roughly 16 C or about 65 F)Really wasn´t that bad, but this guy on a sailboat that was anchored at the beach we were swimming off of (he was wearing a parka and a winter hat) and taking pictures of us... presumably to show his friends the stupid tourists swimming in the sea in November so they could all have a laugh.

Lost €8 in the Casino in Monte Carlo, Monaco. I could only play the slots because there is a dress code to get into the Casino there and the crotch holes in my jeans apparently just didn´t cut it.

Speaking of crotch holes... they suck. I was down to one pair of wearable pants by the time I got to Barcelona. (I broke down and bought a new pair of jeans...which lead to a new outfit, which led to new boots... which led to me spending way too much money but being extremely happy because when you wear the same 3 outfits for 6 weeks straight, there is NOTHING better than new clothes!)

With looking nice, invariably comes the forward european guys. Now I can handle the che bellas and whatnot... and fully expect to get cat called by guys in Italy, France, and Spain, but seriously, I got whistled at today... not like a "you´re pretty" whistle... it was an "i´m calling my dog to come inside the house" whistle. I did not appreciate that.

Nice, France happens to be the vortex of a massive black hole. Almost everyone that was staying at the Hostel I was at (Villa St. Exupery)ended up trying to leave to wherever they were going next at least once and ended up making it back to the hostel for the night. This happened to the two girls from Ohio for 3 nights straight. 1st the trains were cancelled, 2nd one girl forgor her purse and missed the train, third (I was with them this night) the ticket guy would not sell us tickets because he said the night train to barcelona was too dangerous for girls. It actually got to be a joke, every time they left, they´d say "see you guys in an hour" jokingly.. but they´d be back. CRAZY.

I decided that I love Antoní Gaudí. Parc Güell is quite possibly the coolest park I´ve ever seen. It looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book (I wonder if this is where the Illustrators for Dr. Seuss got their inspiration?) but all of his buildings are amazing.

And finally... everyone smokes in Europe. I mean EVERYONE. I was at a restaurant today and there were these ladies sitting at a table near me and they were pretty physically handicap (at least enough to where they had very limited speech motor skills, were in wheel chairs, and had to have an aid feed them) I know it sounds mean...I am in no way trying to be.. but, I was just kinda shocked to look over and see one of the ladies in a wheel chair (who could not hold a fork) was doing just perfectly fine holding a cigarette and smoking it there like nothing. WTF. Ever have one of those moments where things surprise you.. I am not easily surprised.. I like to think I´m quite jaded... but that surprised me.


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